Substance Abuse Counseling / Drug Counseling in Wisconsin, Chippewa Falls

Substance Abuse Counseling / Drug Counseling Substance abuse and addiction - a group of diseases caused by the formation of painful dependence on various substances causing intoxication and disruption of brain activity. Drug Abuse Counseling is a treatment program used in helping substance abusers overcome the problem of addiction.
2 doctors
  • Joseph K Sumner

    Joseph K Sumner

    Substance Abuse Counseling / Drug Counseling
    205 East Grand AvenueChippewa FallsWisconsin

     (715) 723-8468

  • Kathryn L Johnson, MA

    Kathryn L Johnson, MA

    Substance Abuse Counseling / Drug Counseling
    2661 County Highway IChippewa FallsWisconsin

     (715) 723-5585

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