In pediatrics pathology and disease of the newborn is a very serious problem. At birth, the baby with breastmilk receives immunity to external factors, but still, it is very susceptible to diseases and infections. Therefore it is very important that the initial examination the baby, which is held still in the hospital in the first days of baby's life.
There are most various pathologies of the fetus, which is almost impossible to enumerate. But there is a pathologies that occur more frequently than others:
Inguinal and umbilical hernia
Hernias are fairly common - they are the most common pathology of newborns and, in most cases - the easiest.
Treatment of hernia can be very different - from massage to major surgery. It all depends on the extent and location of the hernia.
Hip dysplasia
The incidence of dysplasia in newborns is large enough. If a child is born with a congenital hip dislocation, the doctor makes his diaplasis, then at least for a few months, imposes special fixed orthoses - stirrups. If that is not enough, the child may be shown the operation. Fortunately, in most cases, dysplasia can be cured fairly quickly without surgery.
Cleft Lip
This birth defect manifests itself an external ugliness, problems in feeding a newborn, and the formation of speech, but the overall psychosomatic development of the child from this is usually not affected. Today cleft lip is not fatal problem - in the first few weeks is carried out an operation that removes the defect.
Cleft Palate
This congenital deformation, which is a cleavage tissues hard and soft palate, in which there is communication between the oral and nasal cavity. It's pretty rare pathology, defect also is eliminated surgically.
It is a common pathology at which on the legs or on the handles of a newborn baby is present an extra finger. This defect is eliminated very quickly - simple surgical procedure that lasts only a few minutes.
Congenital heart defect
One of the most serious pathologies. They can be very different, but all are associated with incorrect formation of the heart septum. Treatment of this pathologies depends on its severity. If defects are not very significant, the doctor may decide to just watch the baby and the kid with age outgrows a birth defect. But babies with serious defects will have an surgery, which in most cases are held successfully.
Congenital muscular torticollis
The main reason for torticollis - congenital hypoplasia sternocleidomastoid muscle. Trauma during childbirth can also be a culprit of this disease. To cure the child, to the methods of treatment of congenital muscular torticollis must be approached thoroughly. Treatment begins with six weeks-aged child and includes massage, physical therapy, the treatment by position. Held massage against the backdrop of a restorative complex, age-appropriate and child development.
Newborn Asphyxia
Acute process associated with a lack of oxygen in the blood of the newborn. As a result, in the blood and tissues is accumulated carbon dioxide, and the child begins to suffocate. Asphyxia manifested in the fact that immediately after the birth of a child can not make the first breath or its breathing irregular, convulsively. In such a situation requires emergency medical care. Asphyxia is the most common cause of neonatal deaths in the world.
Pale skin of newborn
Among these diseases can be hypoxia, presence of birth injury, hemolytic disease, anemia, bleeding. In this case, is necessary carry out a comprehensive analysis of blood on the levels of erythrocytes and hemoglobin. Paleness of the skin can be the cause such serious diseases, that in some cases it is necessary carrying out resuscitation procedures.
Hemolytic disease
Disease of the newborn if the mother and baby are incompatible - in groups or Rh blood, and then the mother's blood antibodies destroy fetal erythrocytes. There are several forms of occurrence of this disease, the easiest of which is treated with increased doses of nutrition, frequent walks, and the most severe treated with medication or blood transfusion.
Sepsis of newborn
Pathologies in which into the blood is constantly or periodically come microorganisms from the source infection. The most common cause of sepsis is Staphylococcus aureus, so it is important, the mother during pregnancy do not be sick.
From internal organs pathology in children often takes place congenital bowel obstruction, is usually associated to the immaturity of muscular walls of the intestine, and intussusception terminal part of small intestinal in a thick, in place of their transition.
All birth defects in children are diagnosed and treated in specialized institutions for children, depending on the type of pathology and the terms of its detection.
Disease of the Newborn - a warning Pathologies
Prevention pathologies and disease of the newborn is the main objective observer gynecologist and pediatrician.
Of great importance is also the list of diseases that was ill or is ill pregnant woman, her nutrition mode and sleep during pregnancy. In general, the causes of the disease are an unhealthy breastfeeding newborns, infections and exposure to adverse environmental conditions.
Anticipating the birth of a baby with a pathology can be by ultrasound during pregnancy. But to prevent it, Unfortunately one can not. But do not get frustrated prematurely, because in most cases, children with abnormalities those described live a full life.
Remember that before taking any a decision relating to the treatment of the child, should listen to the opinions of at least two different specialists.