Clinical Lipidology is a congenital or acquired (secondary) violation lipid-transport system in the body, which is expressed in a qualitative and / or quantitative change of blood plasma lipoproteins.
These violations, depending on the phenotype of dyslipidemia, clinically is manifested as xanthomatosis, xanthelasma, atherosclerosis different locations, fatty hepatosis, hepatosplenomegaly acute or chronic pancreatitis.
Specialized assistance for patients with severe lipid metabolism disorders can be rendered in lipid clinics, where specialists have modern diagnostics of metabolic disorders (laboratory methods, the definition of different apoproteins, their isoforms, medical-genetic counseling, DNA methods).
Modern methods of treatment of dyslipidemia include the latest generation of drugs (statins, fibrates, cholesterol absorption inhibitors), a combined lipid-lowering therapy and extracorporeal blood purification treatments (plasmapheresis, plazma-sorption, LDL apheresis, etc.).