Dr. Thomas M Kain, MD

Orthopedic Surgery   -  Pennsylvania,  Chester


Dr. Thomas M Kain, MD works in Chester, Pennsylvania is a specialist in Orthopedic Surgery. Dr. Kain is affiliated with Abington Memorial Hospital, Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital, Nazareth Hospital, Riddle Memorial Hospital and practicing for 54 years


  • Orthopedic Surgery

 Board Certifications

  • Board Certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

 Years Since Graduation

  • 54

 Education & Training

Education for Dr. Thomas M Kain, MD are not present.


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 Dr. Kain Reviews

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 Office Locations

Primary location

 Office Address
1 Medical Center Boulevard
Pennsylvania (PA)

Accepting New Patients

  • No
* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.

 Map & Directions

Office Address, 1 Medical Center Boulevard, Chester, Pennsylvania (PA), 19013

 Insurances Accepted (check insurance plans)

Please contact the office for more information.

 Blog Posts

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 Patients Questions

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 Affiliated Hospitals

Abington Memorial Hospital photo

Abington Memorial Hospital

1200 Old York Road Pennsylvania PA, Abington, 19001

Abington Memorial Hospital is a hospital located in Abington, PA. This hospital reports jointly with Allegheny University Hospitals - Bucks. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at t...

Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital photo

Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital

1500 Lansdowne Avenue Pennsylvania PA, Darby, 19023

Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital is a hospital located in Darby, PA. This hospital reports jointly with Mercy Philadelphia Hospital. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state averag...

Nazareth Hospital

2601 Holme Avenue Pennsylvania PA, Philadelphia, 19152

Founded by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, Nazareth Hospital has provided health care to the Northeast Philadelphia community since 1940. The Hospital has 205 acute and 28 skilled care beds, and provides comprehensive health care services, including its award-winning, nationally certifie...

 (215) 335-6000

Riddle Memorial Hospital photo

Riddle Memorial Hospital

1068 West Baltimore Pike Pennsylvania PA, Media, 19063

Riddle Memorial Hospital is a hospital located in Media, PA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 1 of 9 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 6 of 9 procedures.

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