Dr. Nilima P Chand, MD works in Farmington, Missouri is a specialist in Internal Medicine and graduated Forest Park Hospital. Dr. Chand is affiliated with Parkland Health Center
I have never felt so ignored and humiliated by a doctor in my life before. I left the office in tears, and when I tried... to have my lab requesition orders transferred to another lab so I would not have to go back to Chands Medical, Dr. Chand said that if I would no longer be seeing her as a doctor she would just delete the lab order. When I told her I thought she was legally responsible to transfer them since I paid her for an office visit, she hung up the phone on me. She is ignorant, unprofessional, rude, and downright cruel. I would strongly advise that you avoid this clinic. more details
Parkland Health Center is a hospital located in Farmington, MO. This hospital reports jointly with Bonne Terre Hospital. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are above the state average ...