Dr. Lawrence D Seymour, MD

Urology   -  Tennessee,  Memphis


Dr. Lawrence D Seymour, MD works in Memphis, Tennessee is a specialist in Urology and graduated Homer G Phillips Hospital. Dr. Seymour is affiliated with Baptist Memorial Hospital, Baptist Memorial Hospital - Collierville and practicing for 62 years


  • Urology

 Years Since Graduation

  • 62

 State License

  • Tennessee

 Education & Training

Residency Hospital

Homer G Phillips Hospital

Saint Louis, MO, USA

Medical School

Howard University College Of Medicine

Washington, DC, United States

Graduated: 1961


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 Office Locations

Primary location

 Office Address
1325 East Morelead Suite 435
Tennessee (TN)
 Phone:(901) 726-5073

Accepting New Patients

  • No
* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.

 Map & Directions

Office Address, 1325 East Morelead Suite 435, Memphis, Tennessee (TN), 38104

 Insurances Accepted (check insurance plans)

Please contact the office for more information.

 Blog Posts

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 Affiliated Hospitals

Baptist Memorial Hospital photo

Baptist Memorial Hospital

6019 Walnut Grove Road Tennessee TN, Memphis, 38120

Baptist Memorial Hospital is a hospital located in Memphis, TN. This hospital reports jointly with Baptist Memorial Hospital - Collierville. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at t...

Baptist Memorial Hospital - Collierville photo

Baptist Memorial Hospital - Collierville

1500 West Poplar Avenue Tennessee TN, Collierville, 38017

Baptist Memorial Hospital - Collierville is a hospital located in Collierville, TN. This hospital reports jointly with Baptist Memorial Hospital. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are...

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