Dr. Kathy J Jackson, MD works in Kalamazoo, Michigan is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated Michigan State University College Of Human Medicine. Dr. Jackson is affiliated with Borgess Medical Center
Do NOT waist your time and money paying her a visit if you have an intact son. I took my intact (11 mo old) son to her a...nd was astonished by her ignorance. Not only did she lack professionalism by blushing every time she had to use the word "penis," but she also told me that she believes the forskin should be separated by the age of 2 or 3 years and if it's not it should be pushed back forcibly. She proceeded to say that she didn't see the difference between me doing this in the privacy of my own home as a parent, or her doing it to him on her terms in her office. She also proceeded to say this ignorant and borderline racist comment: "The Latino culture pushes vasoline up the childs' penis to keep it from "sticking." I said, "Really, is that so!? And what did they do before vasline was invented?" she panicked and started to make up facts about other oils they put up the penis. She also used really bazarre phrases like, "the penis and vagina get a lot of wear and tear" and (when referencing cleaning a vagina) she asked, "do you even HAVE a DAUGHTER?" I replied, "No. But I have a vagina!" She acted like she was going to red-flag my file once she saw my son was a home/water birth, questioned me extensively about opting out of certain newborn tests for religious reasons, and the list goes on and on. WHOEVER put her name on an "intact friendly" list is, I apologize, a total idio and owes my son and I 2 hours of our lives, a quarter tank of gas and a $35 copay. DO NOT go see that woman. When I used the term "intact" she didn't even know what I was referencing and I had to explain it meant a natural penis. She told me I have to pull his foreskin back to scrub it with soap because it's filled with "debris." She then proceeded to tell me that vagina's are filled with debris as well. I wanted to assure her that my vagina is not filled with debris and maybe SHE should see a doctor if she has some strange personal issue regarding vaginal debris. I was furious by the time I left. I was there for a simple "meet & greet" to see if I liked her or not. A visit that my son didn't even need to be present for but he came with me anyways. During my "meet & greet" with the doctor the nurse told me to get my son naked, measured his head, and attempted to do all kinds of other probing (probably to try and bill my insurance for a full visit when it wasn't supposed to be) and I had to stop them multiple times from "inspecting" him while we were talking. She asked me what my Husband does for a living and when I said he was a Computer Network Engineer she mumbled under her breath "well they don't get out or have many friends" I said, "I'm sorry, what did you say?" and she replied "nothing...I am just talking to myself." She acted as if because I was a stay-at-home mother that my son is sheltered and questioned me extensively about how often he gets out, etc. It was a nightmare and she is a complete fool and a terrible excuse for an educated individual. I guess they let just about anyine into medical school these days. DO NOT WAIST YOUR TIME!!! more details