Dr. Kalindi Batra, MD works in Lawrence, Massachusetts is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated University Of Wisconsin Medical School in 2003. Dr. Batraand practicing for 20 years
Dr. Batra shows a complete lack of empathy or compassion for her patients.
I had to go without my anti-anxiety.../depression medication for 5 days--without any courtesy refill, and NO communication from Dr. Batra or UCHealth--which was a very scary time for me. I tried to get it refilled before I ran out, and called the clinic (which I found out was really just a call center) 3-4 times over 5 days. I was told 3 different times by 3 different people they would send a "high priority message" to Dr. Batra. I never heard anything. Later, Dr. Batra tells me that she "gets hundreds of messages a day, I can't read all those."
Finally, I get to an appointment with her (after waiting for almost 1 HOUR), and she ignores what I'm saying, interrupts me, and talks down to me saying "My feedback for you is..." It felt so extremely condescending and rude. I'm in tears at this point, asking why no one reached out to me about my prescription expiring and tell me that I needed to make an appointment and get labs done before anyone would (in Dr. Batra's words) "be able to do their job." She only tells me that "there are protocols in order, I haven't had an appointment in over a year, I was told to get labs done last year" - I was told to get labs done over A YEAR ago... And that was her answer to why my Rx expired with absolutely no warning whatsoever. My pharmacy was trying to contact Dr. Batra for 10 days at this point. They or I could not get any information from either Dr. Batra or the clinic. I still don't feel like I've gotten a reasonable explanation. How can you let a patient run out of medication suddenly with very detrimental withdrawal symptoms?! I literally could not work or focus on anything for days.
She basically told me it was my fault and that I "need to be more proactive." Really?! Is calling your office for almost a week NOT proactive enough? Demanding an answer for the lack of communication is NOT proactive enough? Healthcare providers are there to help and serve patients. Not the other way around.
The only thing I can surmise is that I fell through the cracks. It's a real shame that my mental health has to take a toll because of the carelessness and lack of attention of Dr. Batra and/or the UCHealth clinic.
I told her how I felt about all this, it's amazing I could even get a word in because she spent the 5 minutes I was with her trying to defend her inexcusable actions. Her answer? "Well, that's how YOU feel."
I have never left a doctors office in tears from being SO disrespected, talked down to, ignored, and my concerns completely dismissed with rude unprofessionalism. more details