Dr. Frank Q Tang, MD works in Murrieta, California is a specialist in Pediatrics and graduated Albert Einstein Med Center in 1982. Dr. Tang is affiliated with Southwest Healthcare System - Inland Valley Medical Center, Southwest Healthcare System - Rancho Springs Medical Center and practicing for 45 years
Dr. Tang has treated myself and all of my children, he was called and came to the hospital when my children were born, T...hey always make room to squeeze us in if we happen to come down sick, he personally returns my phone calls, and he treated me successfully when I came down with the Chicken pox at the age of 40 he put me in the hospital and assembled a GREAT team of specialists, from infectious disease, to many others, and he stayed hands on and saw me at least once a day..... Dr. Tang comes highly recommended by me and my family..... more details
Southwest Healthcare System - Inland Valley Medical Center is a hospital located in Wildomar, CA. This hospital reports jointly with Southwest Healthcare System - Rancho Springs Medical Center. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide al...
Southwest Healthcare System - Rancho Springs Medical Center is a hospital located in Murrieta, CA. This hospital reports jointly with Southwest Healthcare System - Inland Valley Medical Center. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide al...