1 Ajluni SC, Jones DE, Zidar FJ, Puchrowicz-Ochocki S, Margulis A, O’Neill WW, Grines CL: Prolonged Urokinase Infusion for Chronic Total Native Coronary Occlusions - Clinical, Angiographic, and Treatment Observations. Catheterization & Cardiovascular Diagno
2 American College of Cardiology
3 American Medical Association
4 Austin Heart - Interventional Services
5 Austin KEYE News
6 Austin KUT - NPR
7 FJ Zidar, RS Gammon, DA Waldo, P Kobza : Real-Time Imaging of the Arterial Wall during Plaque Excision using Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) - the NightHawk device [Abstract]: Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2008) 51 (10-suppl B) : B32.
8 Girod JP, Messerli AW, Zidar FJ, Tang WHW, Brenner SJ: Tako-Tsubo-Like Transient Left Ventricular Dysfunction. Circulation (2003) 107: 120e – 121.
9 Grines CL, Schreiber TL, Savas V, Jones DE, Zidar FJ, Gangadharan V, Brodsky M, Levin R, Puchrowicz-Ochocki S, Castellani MD, ONeill WW: A Randomized Trial of Ionic versus Nonionic Contrast Media in Patients with Myocardial Infarction or Unstable Angina U
10 Grines CL, Zidar FJ, Jones DJ, Castellani MD, Savas V, Schrieber T, Gangadharan V, Brodsky M, Levin R, Timmis GC: A Randomized Trial of Ionic versus Nonionic Contrast in Myocardial Infarction or Unstable Angina Patients Undergoing Coronary Angioplasty (PT
11 Heart Hospital of Austin - Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories
12 Kaplan BM, Jones DE, Zidar FJ, Schreiber TL, Timmis GC, Grines CL: Clinical and Angiographic Follow-up to a Randomized Trial of Prolonged Urokinase Infusion for Chronic Total Occlusion in Native Coronary Arteries. [Abstract] Circulation (1995) 92 (8, pt 1
13 Kaplan BM, Zidar FJ, Jones DE, ONeill WW, Schreiber TL, Timmis GC, Grines CL: A Prolonged Intracoronary Infusion of Urokinase for Chronic Total Occlusions: Case Reviews. Journal of Invasive Cardiology (1995) 7 (suppl E): 21-25.
14 Narizhneva NV, Byers-Ward VJ, Quinn MJ, Zidar FJ, Plow EF, Topol EJ, Byzova TV: Molecular and Functional Differences Induced in Trombospondin-1 by the Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Associated with the Risk of Premature, Familial Myocardial Infarction. Jo
15 Quinn MJ, Bhatt DL, Zidar FJ, Vivekananthan D, Chew DP, Ellis SG, Plow E, Topol EJ: Effect of Clopidogrel Pretreatment on Inflammatory Marker Expression in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. American Journal of Cardiology (2004) 93: 6
16 Rao SV, Zidar FJ, Zidar JP. Iliac Angioplasty and Stenting. In: Douglas J, Yeung A, and King S, editors. Interventional Cardiology. McGraw-Hill.
17 Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions
18 Tarlé SA, Davidson BL, Wu VC, Zidar FJ, Seegmiller E, Kelley WN, and Palella TD: Determination of the Mutations Responsible for the Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome in Seventeen Subjects. Genomics (1991) 10: 499-501.
19 Texas Medical Association
20 Travis County Medical Society
21 Vivekananthan DP, Bhatt DL, Chew DP, Zidar FJ, Chan AW, Moliterno DJ, Ellis SG, Topol EJ. Effect of Clopidogrel Pretreatment on Periprocedural Rise in C-Reactive Protein after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. American Journal of Cardiology (2004) 94: 3
22 Vivekananthan DP, Bhatt DL, Chew DP, Zidar FJ, Chan AW, Moliterno DJ, Ellis SG, Topol EJ: Clopidogrel Pretreatment Attenuates Periprocedural Rise in C-Reactive Protein After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [Abstract]: Journal of the American College of
23 Zidar FJ, Kaplan BM, ONeill WW, Jones DE, Schreiber TL, Safian RD, Ajluni SC, Sobolski J, Timmis GC, Grines CL: A Prospective Randomized Trial of Prolonged Intracoronary Infusion for Chronic Total Occlusions in Native Coronary Arteries. Journal of the Ame
24 Zidar FJ, Lincoff AM. Thrombolytic Therapy. In: Fuster V, Topol EJ, Nabel EG, editors. Atherothrombosis and Coronary Artery Disease. 2nd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
25 Zidar FJ, Moliterno DJ, Bhatt DL, Marchant KK, Plow EF, Topol EJ: High-dose Clopidogrel Loading Reduces Both Platelet Inflammatory Marker Expression and Aggregation [Abstract] : Journal of the American College of Cardiology (2004) 43 (5-suppl A) : 64A.
26 Zidar FJ, Quinn MJ, Bhatt DL, Vivekananthan D, Aronow HD, Ellis SG, Plow E, Topol EJ: Clopidogrel Pretreatment Reduces Platelet Inflammatory Marker Expression in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention [Abstract] : Journal of the American C
27 Zidar FJ, Schreiber T, Jones D, Puchrowicz-Ochocki S, Ajluni SC, Hollingsworth V, Timmis GC, Sobolski J, Grines CL: A Prospective Randomized Trial of Prolonged Urokinase Infusion for Chronic Total Occlusion in Native Coronary Arteries. [Abstract] Circulat
28 Zidar FJ. Peripheral Vascular Disease. In: Topol EJ, Griffin B, editors. The Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2nd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins