Dr. Donald E Stillwagon, MD works in The Woodlands, Texas is a specialist in Geriatric Medicine, Family Practice and graduated Eastern Maine Med Center in 1979. Dr. Stillwagon is affiliated with Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital and practicing for 47 years
I have used Donald Stillwagon as a general practitioner and Panther Creek Medical Center for location convenience only. ... I rarely have had good experiences here. This facility seems to be a "make money fast" operation. I'm not sure if human well-being and compassion are part of the Hippocratic Oath, but I am quite sure manipulating the system to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible, and treating people like they are ignorant, is not part of it. This practice will only see you for one ailment at a time. If you have two reasons to see the doctor, you must schedule two separate appointments. Really? REALLY?? It is usually 2-3 weeks before you can be seen, unless you are injured or sick today. Injured or sick translates to blood draws and/or x-rays, and then a referral to a specialist. I was there today for the required visit for a prescription refill. Donald Stillwagon wanted to take x-rays for a swollen foot that I told him I was having seen about by a podiatrist. He still wanted to take x-rays!!. Of course, this means a nice x-ray charge to my insurance company, right? And, then, he recommended I make another visit in 2 weeks for the prescription refill because of the office policy of only one ailment per office visit. This pretty much took the cake for me. Donald Stillwagon considers his time very valuable, but, obviously, does not seem to consider your time important at all. Mr. Stillwagon usually seems to be in a hurry and does not seem to like to answer questions. When he does, it is as if they are scripted and his tone is condescending. (He never smiles) This office is in a great location in The Woodlands, but, If you can find another a doctor, I would recommend it. I've decided I won't go back. more details
Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital is a hospital located in The Woodlands, TX. This hospital reports jointly with Memorial Hermann Northwest Hospital. Therefore the ratings and awards apply to multiple hospitals and this specific hospital may not provide all rated services. Procedures/Diagnosis...