Dr. Cleo Williams, MD

Family Practice   -  California,  Pasadena


Dr. Cleo Williams, MD works in Pasadena, California is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated Barnes Jewish Hospital S Campus. Dr. Williams is affiliated with Huntington Memorial Hospital, Methodist Hospital of Southern California and practicing for 36 years


  • Family Practice

 Years Since Graduation

  • 36

 State License

  • California

 Education & Training

Residency Hospitals

Barnes Jewish Hospital S Campus

L A Co Usc Med Center

Medical School

Universidad De Salamanca, Facultad De Medicina

Salamanca, Spain
Graduated: 1987


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 Dr. Williams Reviews

Based on: 3 reviews - (5/5)
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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
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Dr. Williams staff are the best. I will stay with her because she is great!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
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Dr. Williams is the best. I love her and her staff. They make me feel so welcome and put my health first.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful
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I have not been accustom to this type of medical service since I left Scmipps La Jolla in La Jolla! Dr. Williams is very... knowledgeable and caring to my health. I truly appreciate that I finally feel that someone cares about me. I m not just a number. Too bad that I just discovered her. I really wished I had known her sooner. Thank you very much for caring, there are not many like you.

Dahlia Torres
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 Office Locations

Primary location

 Cleo T Williams MD
960 East Green Street Suite 208
California (CA)
 Phone:(626) 449-1944

Accepting New Patients

  • No
* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.

 Map & Directions

Cleo T Williams MD, 960 East Green Street Suite 208, Pasadena, California (CA), 91106

 Insurances Accepted (check insurance plans)

Please contact the office for more information.

 Blog Posts

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 Patients Questions

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 Affiliated Hospitals

Huntington Memorial Hospital photo

Huntington Memorial Hospital

100 West California Boulevard California CA, Pasadena, 91105

Huntington Memorial Hospital is a hospital located in Pasadena, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 14 of 14 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 12 of 14 procedures.

Methodist Hospital of Southern California photo

Methodist Hospital of Southern California

300 West Huntington Drive California CA, Arcadia, 91007

Methodist Hospital of Southern California is a non-profit hospital located in Arcadia, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 11 of 12 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 6 of 12 procedures.

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