Dr. Chester R Barnes, MD

Family Practice   -  California,  Los Angeles


Dr. Chester R Barnes, MD works in Los Angeles, California is a specialist in Family Practice and graduated University Of California, Irvine, College Of Medicine in 1962. Dr. Barnes is affiliated with California Hospital Medical Center, Downey Regional Medical Center, Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center, Greater El Monte Community Hospital, Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, Methodist Hospital of Southern California, Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital, Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center San Pedro, Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance, Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, Saint Francis Medical Center, San Gabriel Valley Medical Center, Sherman Oaks Hospital, Valley Presbyterian Hospital, West Hills Hospital and Medical Center and practicing for 61 years


  • Family Practice

 Years Since Graduation

  • 61

 State License

  • California

 Spoken Languages

  • Spanish

 Education & Training

Medical School

University Of California, Irvine, College Of Medicine

Irvine, CA, United States

Graduated: 1962


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 Office Locations

Primary location

 Office Address
1625 East 4th Street
California (CA)
Los Angeles
 Phone:(323) 268-8391

Accepting New Patients

  • No
* Please verify this information when scheduling an appointment.

 Map & Directions

Office Address, 1625 East 4th Street, Los Angeles, California (CA), 90033

 Insurances Accepted (check insurance plans)

Please contact the office for more information.

 Blog Posts

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 Affiliated Hospitals

California Hospital Medical Center photo

California Hospital Medical Center

1401 South Grand Avenue California CA, Los Angeles, 90015

California Hospital Medical Center is a hospital located in Los Angeles, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 5 of 5 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 5 of 5 procedures.

Downey Regional Medical Center photo

Downey Regional Medical Center

11500 Brookshire Avenue California CA, Downey, 90241

Downey Regional Medical Center is a hospital located in Downey, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 10 of 11 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 9 of 11 procedures.

Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center photo

Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center

1420 South Central Avenue California CA, Glendale, 91204

Glendale Memorial Hospital and Health Center is a hospital located in Glendale, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 14 of 14 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 12 of 14 procedures.

Greater El Monte Community Hospital photo

Greater El Monte Community Hospital

1701 Santa Anita Avenue California CA, South El Monte, 91733

Greater El Monte Community Hospital is a hospital located in South El Monte, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 1 of 1 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 1 of 1 procedures.

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center photo

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center

2801 Atlantic Avenue California CA, Long Beach, 90806

Long Beach Memorial Medical Center is a hospital located in Long Beach, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are above the state average in 2 of 15 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 14 of 15 procedures.

Methodist Hospital of Southern California photo

Methodist Hospital of Southern California

300 West Huntington Drive California CA, Arcadia, 91007

Methodist Hospital of Southern California is a non-profit hospital located in Arcadia, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 11 of 12 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 6 of 12 procedures.

Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital photo

Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital

12401 Washington Boulevard California CA, Whittier, 90602

Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital is a hospital located in Whittier, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 7 of 13 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 13 of 13 procedures.

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center San Pedro photo

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center San Pedro

1300 West 7th Street California CA, San Pedro, 90732

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center San Pedro is a hospital located in San Pedro, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 8 of 8 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 6 of 8 procedures.

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance photo

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance

4101 Torrance Boulevard California CA, Torrance, 90503

Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center Torrance is a non-profit hospital located in Torrance, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 13 of 13 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 12 of 13 procedures.

Saint Francis Medical Center

211 Saint Francis Drive Missouri MO, Cape Girardeau, 63703

The One Medical CenterFor You and the Ones You Love Saint Francis Medical Center is a 258-bed facility serving more than 650,000 people throughout Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee and Arkansas. Guided by its mission to provide a ministry of healing and wellness inspired by our Christian phil...

 (573) 331-3000

San Gabriel Valley Medical Center photo

San Gabriel Valley Medical Center

438 West Las Tunas Drive California CA, San Gabriel, 91776

San Gabriel Valley Medical Center is a hospital located in San Gabriel, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 2 of 4 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 3 of 4 procedures.

Sherman Oaks Hospital photo

Sherman Oaks Hospital

4929 Van Nuys Boulevard California CA, Sherman Oaks, 91403

Sherman Oaks Hospital is a hospital located in Sherman Oaks, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 3 of 3 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 3 of 3 procedures.

Valley Presbyterian Hospital photo

Valley Presbyterian Hospital

15107 Vanowen Street California CA, Van Nuys, 91405

Valley Presbyterian Hospital is a hospital located in Van Nuys, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 12 of 12 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 7 of 12 procedures.

West Hills Hospital and Medical Center photo

West Hills Hospital and Medical Center

7300 Medical Center Drive California CA, West Hills, 91307

West Hills Hospital and Medical Center is a hospital located in West Hills, CA. Procedures/Diagnosis costs are at the state average in 12 of 12 procedures. Length of Stay is at the state average in 10 of 12 procedures.

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