Thinking outside the box - Practising a skills

Thinking outside the box - Practising a skills

| |  Neuropsychology

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In daily life, in each of us has are produced patterns of behavior that save time and energy when performing routine tasks. The older a person is, the more he is exposed to stereotypes. But if you want to change your life for the better, or with dignity come out of a difficult situation - to you help out lateral thinking and the rejection of the usual modus operandi.

What is it?

Thinking outside the box - it's a skill that allows a person to solve assigned tasks more efficiently using non-traditional methods and means.

Considering how rapidly changing modern world, the ability to find innovative approaches to solving everyday problems, is very useful and in the work, and at home. People living in the fast rhythm and saturation, to achieve a truly significant successes have no choice but how to develop lateral thinking and creative approach, even in small things.

Most often extraordinary thinking is peculiar to children, who only learn about the world. Any new knowledge they can interpret the most unexpected way: the surrounding objects used by them in an unusual purpose for adult and children's inferences are often to baffled, though not without its logic. Similar techniques can be applied and by adults to develop lateral thinking and go beyond the ordinary.

Methods of unconventional thinking

The main tool in helping to develop the extraordinary thinking, is the decision of the tests and tasks. It may be logical tasks, riddles and puzzles designed to exercise thinking in children. In addition, there are many specialized tests. Their main feature - creating a visibility of obvious answer, and people passing the test for non-standard thinking, necessary to find for this reply an effective alternatives.

So, how to develop lateral thinking? To start with very simple exercises that require a minimum of effort. They are suitable even for people who are not ready for radical change, or are afraid them.

1. The first step on our way - the return of interest in life. Read! But read popular science literature or even a children's encyclopedia. View educational films and good science fiction. Exit from your closed information field and look at the world in all its diversity.

2. Go back to the issues that was interested you in childhood and try to find the answers. It is better to try to find your answer, explaining a phenomenon, but if now it is difficult, the library and the Internet can help you.

3. Begin to make a not habitual for you an actions and deeds. You can start small: go home a different route, go to the new store, buy something that ever tried, to cook a new exotic dish, and others. If you enter it into a habit and practice a little, a month later you look at the world a little differently.

4. Practising observation. You can perform specific exercises, or you can simply go out and notice the changes in the surrounding world.

Now we expanded our horizons a little bit, and we can already go a little out of our rut. Therefore, the task can be more complicated.

  • Now we do not just commit an everyday activities, just a little differently, but are looking a new occupation. This can be anything from dancing to the skydiving.
  • Very well change our thinking - travels. New people, with his approach to life change your mind. In head appear new issues, are generated new approaches to solving problems.
  • Ask questions your authorities, colleagues, put into question their point of view and try to prove the opposite.
  • Fulfill their wildest dreams, no matter how silly they may seem now.
  • Always engage in any creative work. It requires a constant search for new solutions.
  • Try to solve any global problem of mankind (the problem of demographics, famine, nuclear disarmament, environmental pollution). Select the most interesting and important task for you, but is not related your professional activity and try to propose new solutions.

What gives the ability to unconventional thinking

  • Mindfulness of actions. A person who devotes enough time pursuits on flexible thinking is rarely wrong in the details, better remembers information and better manages them. This is because every action is thought out. Thinking outside the box helps us to keep any situation under constant review.
  • High efficiency in the work. Every day we perform many routine activities, consuming time and energy that could be spent with greater impact. Thinking outside the box allows you to get rid of the hassle and significantly reduce the cost of others. The result - more energy, a free time and the desire to use them efficiently.
  • Wide Horizons capabilities. Departing from the usual solutions, we give itself new chances and ways of movement. Thinking, accustomed to count all the incredible options for further action, is able find a way out of the most hopeless situation in which the majority of people would give up.

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