Ankle: All issues

Ankle: All issues

| |  Neuropathology

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Bone fractures, sprains, tendonitis, dislocations, deep bruising, diabetic neuropathy…the list of common foot and ankle problems just keeps going and going. And while a general practitioner can help you take care of many of these conditions, a foot and ankle specialist has in depth knowledge regarding a host of conditions and may be able to provide you with different and possibly better treatment options for your condition.

Seeing a foot and ankle specialist allows you the ability to have an in-depth examination performed on your feet and legs. Many tests that are available to a foot and ankle specialist may not be available to a general practitioner. Not only do these tests help the doctor diagnose your condition, but also gives them clues about the extent of your injuries or ailment. This is vital information when it comes to developing a treatment plan for you.

In addition to being able to pinpoint the cause of your problem, a foot and ankle specialist will be better able to determine what the impact will be to the rest of your body. Your feet and ankles support your entire body and an infection in your foot or decreased blood flow to your lower extremities may have farther reaching consequences to your overall well-being than you might think. Because of their specialized training, foot and ankle specialists have the resources to be able to better determine the root cause of a problem and develop a better treatment plan that will not only help you recover from your injury or illness, but preserve the health of the rest of your body.

In addition to providing exceptional care for acute injuries and illnesses such as a break, sprain, strain or infection, foot and ankle specialists are also better equipped for the management of chronic conditions such as foot conditions related to diabetes, peripheral vascular disease and more. They understand how each of the long term health issues impacts the health of your feet and are better equipped to assess the current condition of your feet as well as provide an adequate ongoing treatment plan to slow or stop the progression of chronic disease related foot issues.

Finally, consulting a podiatrist is highly beneficial because they are committed practitioners with a focused line of practice. Having a foot and ankle specialist take charge of your foot and leg health will make it easier for you to take better care of your feet. This doctor can communicate directly with your other practitioners in order to help coordinate and overall treatment plan for you in the event that your foot or leg problem has a more systemic impact. This will help to streamline your treatment and ensure that you are receiving the best care possible from all of your doctors.

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