Many women from the first days of pregnancy start to worry headaches. Actually, it are often one of the early signs of pregnancy. But they may also appear in the second or third trimester. Although are seen mostly at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. "How to cure a headache during pregnancy?" - This question excites the future moms in search of a sparing medication that will not harm the developing fetus and growing in the womb.
Sometimes it is impossible to determine exactly why pregnant headache. Yet there are factors that can trigger headaches in this period. Causes of headaches during pregnancy:
The list of products that can cause headaches:
How to relieve Headache
Headaches do not affect the development of the child, but depression and depressed mood, which arose on their background, can cause serious harm to the health of the future mother and baby. Therefore, take care that, in time to stop symptoms and prevent a severe attack.
Treatment of headache during pregnancy
Medications in the event of headaches during pregnancy are appointed extremely rare - only in very severe cases and only your doctor. In other cases, is necessary use the non-pharmacological treatment of headache during pregnancy. A better - to resort to preventive measures.
Be sure to consult your doctor in the following cases:
Alternative Medicine
1. Homeopathic remedies are widely used in the treatment of pregnant women. But prescribe such drugs should only homeopath after a detailed conversation with the pregnant woman. Self-medication, even natural homeopathic pills can lead to disastrous consequences and cause problems in child development.
2. Acupuncture - a well-known and effective way in relieving headaches. Carefully choose a specialist. Acupuncture during pregnancy capable to bring not only benefit, but harm, so trust your health and the life of the baby in the hands of a trusted professional.
3. Aromatherapy - method, impact on our sense of smell. Remember that pregnant women should use the lowest dose of essential oils to not provoke allergic reactions. At the headache is recommended massage of the temporal lobe with a small amount of lavender oil.
Prevention of headache during pregnancy
Headaches are easier to prevent than get rid of it. Pregnant women should to make adjustments in the day regimen, to prevent the occurrence of migraines.
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